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30 Wide Frame Tent

Aztec Jumbotrac® Frame Tents

Knights Tent & Party Rental is proud to feature Aztec Jumbotrac® engineered frame tents using a Keder-track system, which allows for both seasonal and short-term applications. This design features fabric sides and tops that slide through extruded channels in the aluminum frame. This allows for faster installations, and Available in both gable and hip configurations, these tents are customizable, high-quality and very sturdy.

Aztec jumbotrac has a 30’x wide frame tent in both a gable and hip style. This frame tent is of the highest quality and make. It is a highly desired brand name in the industry. The cross cables are pulled up towards the apex providing more clearance than the Navi Trac. The Navi Trac has a low hanging cable that makes the tent feel small. In addition, the valance of the jumbotrac is curved, providing a more modern feel. These frame tents are manufactured in the United States. 

 Great for wedding tent rentals, graduation party tent rentals and even corporate events. 

We have larger frame tents as well.

30x Frame Tent – Hip End & Gable End Frame Tent Comparison

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